It’s been little more than a decade that I decided to stop eating meat and fish to become “Vegetarian by Choice”. Brought up in a strictly non vegetarian family my decision came as a shock to most of the people who knew me. My family was supportive so I continued to remain so until now with some few failed attempts at going back to eating meat again. This is my very first attempt at writing my own blog. I’m an amateur writer but I wanted to share my experience of being a vegetarian especially that I live now in the Middle East among people for whom I may look like an alien surviving on greens and fruits. The moment I tell people “I DO NOT EAT MEAT” first their eyes opens and then their mouth. Most people commend me but some people come up with the most stupid questions ever or the most insensitive statements ever. In this blog I shall document all of those conversations with my fellow colleagues or strangers I happen to converse with, incidents revolving around me and my veg food and all those yummy food I eat (that never makes me want to eat non veg food).

أهلاً بالعالم ! —

أهلاً بالعالم !

هذه هي مقالتك الأولى تمامًا. انقر على رابط تحرير لتعديلها أو حذفها، أو بدء مقالة جديدة. استخدم هذه المقالة، إن شئت، لإخبار القراء عن سبب إنشاء هذه المدونة وما الذي تخطط للقيام به من خلالها.

نتمنى لك تدوينًا سعيدًا!